La source d'embellissements en français pour le Scrapbooking
. Galerie AstucesS Papotage

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Carol (Yvelines)


Tips to use the "Stand des Mots"




Cirque EmbelliScrap
Go to the stand



To order words or letters of your choice is really simple. But, because this web site is in French for the moment, here are some explanations and translations. You even have all the special letters for all the European language (German, Czechoslovak, Portuguese, Spanish, Norwegian…) in the Julian, Noémie, Brice and Eline font… So do not hesitate to order words in you native language. It’s so nice for your scrapbooking, your memories and your children !  If a letter is missing, just ask to me by a mail and I’ll add it.



1) Click on the word « Boutique », which mean “shop” on the purple strip.

« Le stand des mots », which mean “words’s stall” is the first product you can see at the left of the screen.


2 ) Click on the product « Stand des mots ».


You can see on the screen 3 columns of buttons.

  1. The left column is for « mots » which mean “words”. The words have attached letters. They are cut in a rectangle.  The picture on each button can help you to make the difference between words, letters …
  2. The middle column is for “alphabets” which mean “letters”. The letters are cut individually, with a rectangle around each letter.
  3. The right column is for “planches d’alphabets” which mean “letters board”... This is a board with a choice of letters, which are the more used in the French language. You can see the letters that are on a board on the picture of the product.… You can easily complete your board by ordering “alphabets” which mean “letters”, on the second column, with the same font and size.  It’s perfect for that.

For the stencils, the ABC is complete, because, you can use it all around the years…

On each button is written the product (mot = word, alphabet = letters, planche = board) and the material ( Carton bois = chipboard, Transparence = Transparencies, Feutrine =  felt, Liège = cork, Papier = Bazzill paper, Pochoir = Stencil)

If you want to follow my example, click on the upper left button « Mot en Carton bois », to order Chipboard words.



Buttons appear at the left side of the screen with the names of all the fonts available (these are French firstname). Each name is written with the font itself, so it gives a quick view of the font. By stopping the mouse over the button of the font’s name (without clicking), the picture of the complete font will appears at the right side of the screen. When you have chosen your font, click on the font name button. For my example, I choose “Flavia”.



Then, the choice of the size appears. The sizes written are the height of the rectangle in which the word will be cut. The word will be a little bit smaller. Click on the size you want. For the example, I choose “Mini”.



The text field appears to write your text. You can write several words, simply separated by spaces. In my example, I write « vision Vision flower ».

The exact size of each is written below the text field. When you write several words, the size written is the one of the word with the cursor. If you want to know the size of a specific word, you only have to put your cursor on this word. The size of the “vision” word, written only in lower case, is 6.3 cm wide (largeur in French) by 1.2 cm high (hauteur in French), while the one with the V in uppercase is 2.6 cm high. The flower word measure 14.8 cm wide by 5.1 cm high. The size changes a lot with the letters used. The “f” letter is very high whereas the “a, s, o…” are very small !

The price of your words are automatically calculated there !

It’s exactly the same use for the letters on the “alphabet” column. To know the exact size of a letter, you only have to write it, with space between and put your cursor on it !

That’s quite easy, even if it’s in French !! We hope to translate all the web site, but we don’t find time !!! One day.. maybe…
And, I’m sorry for my English. I’m not bilingual, but I hope you will understand my “French English” !! Lol !!









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