La source d'embellissements en français pour le Scrapbooking
. Galerie Astuces Papotage
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Le 10/2/2011

I’m in the United States and I don’t understand French but I’m telling you the things that you offer are amazing. I would love to know if I can buy from you but I just don’t know how to due to the language difference. If there is a way could you please email me telling me how I can buy from you. If it’s impossible just let me know and I will understand. I have just about every die cutting machine there is to buy even the Silhouette SD which is one of the words I think I could figure out on you site. Anyway sorry to go on and on I just love you items and would love to read it in English so I can purchase. We don’t have anything like what you offer and I have looked everywhere. You truly have wonderful products to offer.  








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